Monday, August 2, 2010


Salam tul rasanyer xupdate entry baru,agak bz sket n xtvt memasak pun tergelincir gak ler sempat gak ku buat 'panacotta' hasil intai2 di umah dak ija d bangkok tu,sbenarnyer dh sllu buat cuma xamik gambor jer..sdap n mmg dh jd faveret dessert skang ni especially manggo panacotta 2 mmg marvelous wa ckp lu,tp pd tekak gua la kn tekak lu wa xtau ler ha3..k kter tgk dlu resepinyer yg d cnp dri umah dak ija 2 yer,dh ramai yg cuba pun kannn..



7 grm gelatin (1 packet) + 3 tbsp of water
>>kita double boiler dulu then ketepikan.
2 ½ cups full cream milk
>>Fresh Milk
1/4 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1 ripe mango – cut into small cubes or puree
>>blend mangga dgn sikit air n gula sikit

1. Mix the gelatin and water together and set it aside to bloom.
2. Put the milk and sugar in a saucepan, cook over low medium heat until bubbles form around the edges of the saucepan.
3. Remove from heat and add in the vanilla and stir in the gelatin. Stir until the gelatin dissolved.
4. Pour the mixture into six ramekins or cups. At this stage you can add in some cut mango and refrigerate until set or you can serve it with some mango puree.

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